How to cancel a mission?
You can cancel a mission at your business directly from your account before or during the mission.
Navigate to Missions section and select your Schedule or Missions.
Select the mission you wish to cancel.
Click on "Cancel the mission" and indicate your reason for the cancellation
Info: If you decide to cancel a mission accepted by a professional less than 24 hours before it begins or during the mission, cancellation fees may apply.
Cancellation fees
At Brigad, we truly believe in good collaboration between Businesses and self-employed professionals. When a talent accepts a mission, they free up their time to dedicate themselves to your mission, and canceling a mission can lead to uncertainty and loss of income on the Talent's side.
That's why, if a professional has already accepted a mission for more than 48 hours, cancellation fees will be charged to you by the professional to compensate for their loss of income.
If you cancel the mission less than 24h before its start, the professional will charge you 25% of the amount planned for the first day of the mission.
If the cancellation is made on the day of the mission, the professional will invoice you for 50% of the amount planned for the 1st day, and 25% of the amount planned for the second day of the mission (if the mission was supposed to last several days).