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Super Talent
Updated over 8 months ago

How to become a Super Talent

The Super Talent badge rewards Talents who meet certain criteria of commitment and professionalism towards their clients.

To become a Super Talent, you need to meet 3 consecutive criteria:

  • Completed missions: Have completed at least 10 missions in the last 90 days

  • Client loyalty: Have at least 90% of your clients indicate they want to work with you again

  • Reliability: No “late mission cancellation” (less than 24 hours before the start of a mission) or having missed a mission within the past 90 days

On the app, you can follow your progress for each of those criteria by clicking on your profile picture and clicking on the " Become Super Talent" button.

This badge gives access to exclusive advantages:

  • Priority access to special missions for example to the first missions of newly registered businesses on Brigad

  • Personalised follow-up: Every six months, Super Talents can request an in individualised phone call with our team to receive advice on their use of the Brigad app and the development of their career

Obtaining your Super Talent badge is good, keeping it is even better!

To keep your Super Talent badge, all you have to do is keep the 3 criteria described in the "Super Talent" tab validated.

If you lose your badge for any reason, don't panic. It will not impact your ability to receive missions and you can get it back again later when you validated the criteria.

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