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Propose a mission to a business as a Talent
Propose a mission to a business as a Talent
Updated over 9 months ago

How to Propose a mission to a business as a Talent

Talents now have the opportunity to submit a mission proposal directly to a business they have already worked with on a past mission.

This allows you, as a talent, to save time when you agree with a business to carry out a specific mission.

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How to submit a mission request to a business as a talent?

To propose a mission, please complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your talent account

  2. Click on the "Propose a mission" tab on your home page or the “+” button located at the top right of your mission tab.

Capture d’écran 2023-12-04 à 17.20.34.png

Complete the following information:

  1. Business. Selecting the business to whom you wish to propose a mission

Tip: If you have worked with many businesses, a search bar makes it easier to find the right client.

  • In some cases, if the business has several addresses where you have worked in the past, you will be asked to choose the address where this particular mission will take place.

  • If you have been in contact with several people within the business, you will be asked to choose the contact to whom you should send your proposal. Choose carefully the person with whom you have agreed on the upcoming mission.

2. Date and hour. Select the mission day(s) (from start date to end date).

Tip: Need to divide a mission day into several parts? Use the break time!

You can also deactivate certain days. For example, if you have agreed to be there for 10 days, but there are two days you will not be working, select the start date and the end date, then deactivate the two days off.

3. Position. Then select the position you will do during the mission.

4. Price of the service. Finally, indicate the price of the service agreed with your client.

You have the possibility of increasing the hourly price, but you cannot offer a lower price than that usually charged on Brigad.

Once all this information is completed, you can send the proposal to the business directly. They will be notified by e-mail and will accept or refuse the mission.

How to follow the status of a mission proposition

You have sent a mission proposition to one of your clients, and you would like to know if it was accepted or not?

To do this:

  1. Log in to your account

  2. Click the "Missions" tab and click "created by me".

You will then find the list of proposals that you sent to your clients, with their status:

  • To come: the mission has been accepted by the client

  • Pending: the mission has not yet been accepted by your client

  • Refused: your client declined the proposal

Please note: you are informed by notification (push or SMS) when your client responds to a proposal, whether it is accepted or refused.

I cannot see a business I have worked with in my list of clients to send a mission to, why?

For talents to propose a mission to a business, they must have previously worked with the business and elected to work with them again. If the business do not appear in your list then either yourself or the businesses have said you do not wish to work with each other again.

How do I cancel a mission proposition I have sent to a business from my talent account?

Have you sent a mission proposition to one of your clients, but you are no longer available to carry it out?

  1. The proposal has not yet been accepted by the business

In this case, talents can cancel the mission proposal without any consequences.

How can I do this:

  • Click the "Missions" tab and click "created by me".

  • Click on the mission concerned

  • Click on “Cancel"

2. The proposal has already been accepted by the business

In this case, the cancellation conditions are the same as for a mission created by the business and which you have accepted.

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