Manage my schedule
Updated over a week ago

Access my schedule

Your schedule displays any upcoming missions you have accepted or events.

Here is how you can access your schedule:

  1. Log in to your account and click “Manage my schedule” on the home screen.

  2. You can also access your schedule by clicking “My account” and then “My availability”.

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By default, your schedule is displayed on today's date and you can view upcoming months by clicking on the arrows.

Days with at least one event are indicated using coloured dots:

  • a blue dot indicates an unavailability

  • a red dot indicates a Brigad mission

Mark yourself as unavailable

You can choose to mark yourself unavailable, meaning that you will not receive mission propositions on these dates.

  1. Click on your schedule

  2. Enter the date you are not available

  3. Click "add unavailability"

You also have the option to enter a start and end date for when you are unavailable, as well as hours or a full day.

Can I enter a repeat unavailability?

You can select the frequency of your unavailability. For example, you can choose if you want this to be repeated every day or every week.

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Update or delete an unavailability

You can update the title of the event, its dates and times, or delete it.

How can I do this:

  1. Click on your schedule

  2. Click on the date you wish to edit and click "update"

If it is a recurring unavailability, you can choose to update or delete only the selected one, or all those to come.

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How to mark yourself as unavailable/busy for an extended period or pause my account?

Do you no longer wish to receive proposals for a certain time?

You can pause receiving mission propositions to your account. Here is how:

  1. Log in to your account and click “My Account

  2. Click “My availability

  3. Click "Pause my account

  4. Select the reason why you want to pause your account, as well as an end date.

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